Leslie Thompson

Working on this wonderful book with Cecily and Jill was an experience I will treasure forever. We have each witnessed divine guidance in its meticulous and loving creation. It was my job to bring the myriad pieces together on its pages to provide an engaging experience for you, dear reader.

Leslie Thompson is the designer of the Mesa Easter Pageant Book: 80 Years of Sharing the Story of Jesus Christ.

I received my degree from ASU in 2003, graduating Summa Cum Laude, and have worked as a freelance graphic designer in Gilbert, Arizona, ever since.

I cherish my own pageant memories as a spectator for 20-plus years, often holding my little ones on my lap, whispering what was happening on the stage so they could understand. I always felt the sweet presence of the Spirit and was often moved to tears.

My dear husband, Tim, and our son Tegan were part of the backstage crew for a few years prior to the pageant’s hiatus. Tim and I have five amazing children, and, as of this writing, 14 precious grandchildren.

Jesus Christ is everything to me. His power and love are real. And I add my testimony to the many expressed in this book — that HE LIVES! Visit Leslie at www.LTGraphics.me


Jeffrey Erickson


McKay Hatch