By Richard Landerman

Early 1980s. OPEC tightens its grip on crude oil flowing from the ground. America can’t get enough oil, so the scramble is on to drill and produce more domestic American crude, which drives the price toward $100 a barrel. Suddenly the bankers who never used to make risky oil-drilling loans now see massive profits in these transactions. Oil investors want the huge tax write-offs allowed by the IRS. An obscure little bank located between a ladies’ lingerie shop and a Five-and-Dime in a shopping mall, aims to become the biggest originator of oil drilling loans in the country.

The OILIES, the drillers and oil field operators, and the Big Banks, knock down its doors to grab their share of the action. But what if the little bank’s game is all a sham, a mirage built on smoke and mirrors? And what if the banking regulators are also duped by the little bank? One man knows the secrets and if he tells, he and his family will be targeted for assassination by sinister forces desperate to cover their crimes. Will good triumph over evil? Find out in OILIES, by Richard Landerman, author of four previous books, including the novels The Man Fisher and Kennedy’s Kids.


The Fly Rod Schoolmaster


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