by Sharon Slater

Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International, has come to understand up close and personal the powerful forces mounted against the family. Fifteen years ago, as a stay-at-home mom, Sharon first learned about the efforts to undermine the traditional family. Since that first exposure, Sharon has worked as a pro-family advocate at the United Nations and at the national, state and local level to preserve and protect the institution of the family. Her book, like the title suggests, extends A call to responsible citizens everywhere to Stand for the Family. It was written with three main goals in mind: 1.) To make people aware of what is happening behind closed doors at the UN and elsewhere to undermine the family; 2.) To equip legislators, policymakers, educators and responsible citizens with the knowledge and tools to take an effective stand for the family.; and 3.) To serve as a gathering tool to cause good people throughout the world from all professions and walks of life to come together to defend the traditional mother/father family. Already the book has been well received by community and church leaders, policymakers and individuals from around the world. The book is not a profit-making venture for Sharon or her family. All of the proceeds go to benefit Family Watch International and the work to defend the family.


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