by Jeffrey Erickson

When it comes to adversity and adversarial encounters in life there seems to be two simple choices: Bitterness or forgiveness. Many of us choose bitterness never understanding the harmful effects it has on our spirit and our eternal opportunities. This book, “The Crime of Contention” illustrates how limiting and how paralyzing contention can be in our lives. It then extends an invitation to forgive and forget, to move ahead, to free ourselves from the confines of grudges, resentment, and bitterness. Contention in its harshest form really is hatred. This book is based on the principle that through the atonement of Jesus Christ we can frankly forgive others and be freed from the limitations of contention. “The Crime of Contention” will inspire you to trade in, animosity for acceptance, bitterness for benevolence, hatred for humanity, hard feelings for hope, grudges for grace, resentment for relief, sourness for sweetness, conflict for compassion and contention for charity.


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