by Jeffrey Erickson

In this day and time of immediate and constant information we have discovered that nearly everyone has become an artist. These artists craft their images from limited scopes, sometimes narrow perspectives and often myopic views. These artists have been able to paint every kind of picture imaginable—for better or worse.

The problem for mankind now lies in discovering which portraits are originals and which are forgeries. Every artist attempts to justify their work as original, yet most are counterfeits. We live in a day when we must use every test, analysis, and experiment we know of to accurately verify what is truth. Unfortunately, some artists’ work is so popular, persuasive, and compelling that they have caused many to pay dearly for that which is of no worth.

May we carefully examine, evaluate and investigate in our search for truth, seeking to know what art is of God and from God. As we evaluate; evidence and assurances will come and we will again remember the original art and artist, the creator of the earthly masterpiece. This book is a reminder that there is a heavenly artist whose art is authentic, beautiful and priceless, and that all other art is merely a failed attempt at forgery.


Defeating Depression


Standing with Power