
Big Ticket Selling Specialists
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Big Ticket Selling Specialists

Damon Willis, Author of Big Ticket Selling Specialists Big Ticket Selling Specialists play a BIG—even critical—role in a clients’ life and business, offering educational opportunities, business mentoring, coaching, seminars and other solutions to the clients’ biggest stumbling blocks and/or transformation and realization of their most desired outcomes. With so much at stake and because they typically…

iCriate: Inspiring Teachers to Lead and Leaders to Teach 
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iCriate: Inspiring Teachers to Lead and Leaders to Teach 

iCriate (pronounced “I create”), an acronym, has become the brand of author, educator and leadership coach, Erik Huso–as he has expertly practiced, taught, lived and brought to life in impactful presentations and now, in this book, the meaning and methods for Inspiring Teachers to Lead and Leaders to Teach.